Two new books by Joy Ladin


“It begins with “haiku suites,” an invented form through which her mother’s dementia and the poet’s growing disability are glimpsed by the light of a blossoming world. The lyric narratives that follow portray a widening family circle that also includes estranged children, God, targeted trans women, and Trump-era America. The book concludes with “Autobiography of My Whiteness,” a reckoning with Ladin’s belated awareness of her place in America’s racial hierarchy. Written with an open heart and a formal grace, Family is the latest important work of poetry from a Lambda Literary Award finalist and National Jewish Book Award winner.”

Once Out of Nature: Selected Essays on the Transformation of Gender

“This compassionate, constructive volume collects eleven essays written between 2008, on the cusp of what Time called America’s “transgender tipping point,” and 2021, as anti-trans laws began metastasizing around America. Drawing on her experiences as a trans parent, spouse, teacher, and author, she writes honestly and insightfully about gender, exploring its intersections with feminisms, psychotherapy, divinity, ontology, and even the poems of Emily Dickinson. Written for any curious reader, these essays teach us about who we are, who we can be, and what it means to be human.”


“End of Summer.” In Lavender Review: Lesbian Poetry & Art. December 1, 2023.

“My Mother’s Body.” In The Southern Review. October 30, 2023.

“Beyond Fear.” In Heard Immunity. Ed. Gregg Bordowitz. Museum of Modern Art and PS1. 2020.

A Bridge on Account of Sex: a 21st Century Trans Woman to Susan B. Anthony.” In Project 19: The Poets. New York Philharmonic. 2020.

Forgetting.” Poetry. 2020.

“Make America Great Again.” Indolent Press. 2016.

“When I Grow Up.” Jewish Journal. 2016.

“Divorce.” The Good Men Project. 2016.

“Making Love,” “Psalm I:1,” “Psalm I:4,” and “Psalm I:12.” The Feminist Wire. 2016.

“The Leopard.” The Good Men Project. 2016.

“Living in the Past.” HIV Here & Now Poem 118. 2015.

“To Say You Lived.” Kore Press Poem of the Week. 2015.

“In the Name of the Father.” The Good Men Project. 2015.

“It Like Me.” Vetch. 2015.

“Time Passes.” 2015.

“A Self.” LambdaLiterary. 2015.

“A Story of Windows” and “In This Dream, We Can See Each Other’s Dreams.” Ilanot Review. 2015.

“My Father’s Pain” and “Radio Haiti.” 2River. 2015.

“Smart Ways to Die” and “Early Morning Flight.” Four Way Review. 2014.

“A Little Bit of Ocean,” “August,” “Afterward,” and “Letter to Poetry.” Sweet. 2014.

“Learning to Say `I,’” “The Water We Are” and “Similes for Sentiment.” Cutbank. 2014.

“How Much.” Lavender Review. 2014.

“Letter to God.” The Forward. 2014.

“Assimilation.” The Forward. 2014.

“Lost and Found,” “Essence and Flow” and “North and South.” EOAGH. 2013.

“Letter to Failure.” Prime Number. 2013.

“Letter to the Lord.” JewishJournal. 2013.

“Moths.” Atticus Review. 2013.

“Kiss” and “Sex.” LambdaLiterary. 2012.

“Balance.” Lavender Review. 2012.

“Letter to Joy.” Lavender Review. 2012.

“Everything and Nothing.” Sweet. 2011.

“Girl in a Bottle” and “There.” LambdaLiterary. 2010.

“Losing Your Breasts.” 42opus. 2008.

“Centrifugality.” Right Hand Pointing. ND.

“Unmourning” and “Pronouncement.” Drunken Boat. ND.

“Pronouncement.” Drunken Boat. ND.

3 responses to “Poetry”

  1. Margaret McCarthy Avatar

    I loved your poems in THE FEMINIST WIRE! I found your site via THE SUFI JOURNAL after meeting Peter Valentyne at a Manhattan Plaza poetry reading. Just had to tell you how beautiful your poems are! Margaret McCarthy

    1. Cleaning Tips Sydney Avatar

      I also like “THE FEMINIST WIRE”, It is awesome.

  2. […]  Those interested in reading her poetry can access a list of her poems published online on her website. […]

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